

In a random time and place, she never expected anything except maybe a glass of water. Across the room she spots a slightly big head and a profile she imagines she'd never get tired of studying, maybe worshipping, and unbelievably thirty seconds later she's talking to this creature, a Ukranian Jew sporting a long-time lived-in new wave look, maybe 25.

Sporty tells her lies about herself, too late! She'll tell the truth next time. Sporty Spice walks home alone.

Another night, an American girl, Sporty sees her off and on all day, a lovely girl, poetic without realizing it. At the end of the night the two stand together at the jukebox.

Sporty touches the girl's face, tries to find a new way to say "You're beautiful."

Sporty shivers with lust, walking home by herself.

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